One-hour Consultation with Nutritionist John Bagnulo (2 of 2)

Bidding Supports: The North Branch School (Ripton, VT)

Item Number
225 USD
Online Close:
2024-12-09 22:00:00.0

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John Bagnulo has an MPH from the University of North Carolina and a Doctorate of Human Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Maine. He has worked as a researcher, a university associate professor, and a clinical consultant for the past 27 years. He currently serves as the Director of Nutrition for Nutritional Medicinals, a faculty member for the Center for Mind Body Medicine, Washington DC. Much of his clinical practice is with athletes and those involved in physically demanding sports.

The one-hour consultation includes reading of blood work and designing of a personalized meal plan.

I see a nutritionist as part farmer, part cook, and part doctor. You have to understand more than just the basics in all of these fields to be able to truly help people. - John Bagnulo, MPH, PhD